How to enter to Marga Pura way ?

to see a video of Marga Pura Melara, klick here please

at Melara, Italia1619533_10202762308552672_5269196335508511888_n

mains, maintenir le maintenantmarga pura 7.

hands Tribuana nDjamena 2008

To read other article on Marga Pura, please check here too

How to enter to Marga Pura? Understand well the 27 fields Tribuana as medium for sharing work together, see oneself in others. Tribuana 9 Steps to understand and applied in work. If you want to print the 27 lessons/fields of Tribuana, here it is in French : 27 leçon  Tribuana Tapa Sudana

In Marga Pura we experience a way of vegetal food, vegetal mind, everybody taking care the space as space of one’s own inner temple, to prepare for the work, for the lessons in exploration, cooking together, economizing energy (electricity, gaz for cooking), ecological natural behavior, take care of garbage making, here is a song

When we honor a space, we leave the space (at minimum) as neat as clean as we received while arrival. If possible to make it better than before. Passing through a space, leaving a trace, leaving a work, mirror of the passer.

A work produces fruit of work, we call them a result, a gain, it can takes 3 forms at least: material/matter, emotional memories, knowledge. So producing a material work, we can see, touch, play with and being played by the object that you made (puppets for instance). Work produces emotional expression; working on diversity of emotional energy, hmmm not always nice, but it is a chance to master them in life or theater. Work produces hints of life, good conduct in behavior, words of wisdom, scientific knowledge, etc. Work needs action. Work create Karma.

A Karma produces Phala (fruits). Karma-phala can be put in link with action-reaction, the low of Newton. We we are doing and creating in this life will bring us a “fruit”, harvest. Is it always so? Do we always aware and accept that may be what we have done gives us no return ?, as we hope so. For this enigma I propose you to reflect on 3 types of Karma-phala:

  1. Sancita Karma-Phala: what you receive from past life. Hmmm, may be Freud can help us in understanding with our intellectual brain that need always proof, the concept of unconsciousness, the unseen part of the iceberg (=90 percent)
  2. Prarabdha Karma-Phala: what you gain from your work in this life time.
  3. Kryamana Karma-Phala: what will you heritage in the future life. Hmmm, for this we need to believe that there will be other life of “you” to take form after this life, after death there will be birth.

So, speaking about what have you done in this life, what is going to do in the future, this dear life, one life only we have for a chance; ahh, can we speak about 2 life, or three or more life is needed to transform our destiny into the better one? Then re-incarnation is an answer to ponder, with a type of believe. Religion was made on way of believe in “something” greater than us.

Theater playing story of human, or animal. (see conference of birds of ATTAR).

When theater playing story of Gods and Demons. Word GOD, reading backward: DOG., is a loyal company of life. Once, a Yudisthira wish to take his dog to heaven when he has that permission to do so with his human earthy-body; The chamberlain said:” hmm,mmm, you can not take your dog to human heaven” Then, …….. story in Mahabharata said that Dog of Yudishtira is merely a physical illusion of God of Dharma.

destiny – character – habits – daily action – idea…… 5 steps to be considered, the way from idea to destiny;

In the process of learning and expressing, in directing, in the process of creation, here are Tribuana steps to try, to apply, to explore and to respect, to honor:

  1. Concentration, to be here present now.
  2. Perception, observation, – five senses.
  3. Experiences, memories, vocabularies.
  4. Imagination, association, mental power.
  5. Expression, letting go, letting grow.
  6. Projection, sharing, transmission.
  7. Rhythm, musicality, life
  8. Essence, message.
  9. Harmony, nature, universe, cosmos, Tao, yoga. toward peace.

For personal guidance, try THE FIVE VOWS, or if you are not ready to accept them as vows, consider them as WISHES/ or DESIRES/ or CONDITIONS. A condition not oblige you to do, to plunge yourself into action. Observe, ponder, understand, when the will is there, the way may be open by ……. naturally on time;

The 5 fingers Tribuana (3 worlds of human being) 52bvows2btribuana2527s2bhand2bclr

  1. To respect and cultivate one’s own honourable nature.                 How?
  2. To be sincere, honest, direct, clear and essential.              What aim?
  3. To honour one’s own job and one’s own knowledge.           In what senses?
  4. Be in harmony with surrounding.                            In what way?
  5. Inner smile and good, just self-mastering.


  1. The three worlds: body, emotion/living-energy, thought.
  2. yin-yang, positive –negative, up–down, in-out, past-future.
  3. jo – ha – kiu : start-development-conclusion.
  4. Spring – summer – autumn – winter.
  5. Birth – life – death/metamorphoses. (JO-HA-KIU)
  6. Gift/talent – -effort /work – chance/destiny.
  7. Rhythm – melody – accord / harmony.
  8. Space/place – time – situation. (Balinese reference of life : desa, kala, patra).
  9. Thought – speech – action (sanskrit: manachika, wachika, kayika)
  10. Inner impulsion – bones (structure consciousness) – action (muscle awareness in action).
  11. Three essential theatrical elements: Actor – story/message – spectator.
  12. Movement, song/music, text
  13. Balancing inside and outside.
  14. Where “thing” comes from, how does it work, where does it goes.
  15. Idea, action, habit, character, destiny.
  16. Means, aim (goal/destination), parameter of satisfaction/happiness: 3 parameter/reference to understand “thing”.
  17. To be present in acting: to live fully the reality with awareness of idea and matter.
  18. Regret, can’t get it again. Forget! Alert and aware: money, knowledge, in joy is in TIME. In present there is great PRESENT, to make the past and the future now with you in mind to live NOW an intense present: Tribuanicly.
  19. Etc. many words of tribuana-wisdom you can find in tribuana blog, words of criystal from tribuana tree.

The text of “Conference of the birds” to read as reference in work and consideration that will help us to have better understanding on the way of oneself to others, to understand oneself in others (Vice-versa).

I have a chance (experiences) to work with the creation and world tour of this Peter Brook play in 1980: The Conference of the Birds, text written by Jean Claude Carrière, inspired by Persian great mystical poem, sufism, Farid un-Din AttarWe were touring till New York, Australia and many European Country, Festival Avignon 1979. This play is one of the main reference in Marga Pura, Tribuana way of life; it has a mysterious link with Hindu philosophy : Brahman and Atman is identical as the ONE (THE ORIGIN) is the MULTIPLE MANIFESTATION. Ahh, how intellectual brain can grasp this idea? Beyond understanding, beyond senses, there may be a bridge of “believe” that lead us to steps of “minding” (understanding?). Mind you, don’t you mind?

Conference of the birds+google trs (in English)


Conference des Oiseaux, Attar P Brook (French text)

During the performance  and world tour of Peter Brook ,Conference of the birds is always performed after this African play : Certificate of L’os de Morlam.

Certificat-et-l_Os de Morlam in pdf

Certificat et l’os in word


Marga Pura is a human way to one’s inner self/SELF (as the Indian named it ATMAN) by tracing vegetal mind, speech in action. First goal of Margapura in a work-share is to be able to gather participants twice a year (Easter holiday and September) with participants that has a deep wish to find what is in their “I am”. Thanks to Antonio and Sara from Teatro Invisibile that now taking care or the organization for this meeting, “conference of the birds minds”. Being modest in interpretation is “being as your nature allow you to be” as you are. Sit down on ground, you will never fall down, ha haaa, expect if you make your own hole. Understanding will be in evolution as also parameter of truth is a growing parameter. The pronounced word from your mouth is a living spirit, fly, change form , transform itself in time. Your words, first of all, is applied to yourself. If Tribuana way is a growing tree, Marga Pura is one of its branches. If a tree is symbolic of your sentence, there are 5 references to consider:

  1. Root
  2. trunk, branches
  3. leave
  4. flower
  5. fruit

hmmm, 5 senses, 5 fingers, 5 organs, 5 Taoist seasons, 5 color, … 5 direction? ok, let’s make it so: forward, back, left, right, inward.

Every participant will make a presentation of their personal work, personal creation, personal presentation, personal offering of their personal Totem, Bayu Suara and Gerak Nuraga (please refer to 27 lesson, 27 tribuana fields) whenever they feel ready to offer as a presentation. Tapa Sudana will accompany you as far as deep as your opening in your subject/matter/work.

Bhagavad Gita, is one of my reference of conduct, act in life, here in French :

Text Bahgavad Gita in French, trans. Emile Burnouf, to down load,

and Bhagavad Gita in English:

also the Prophet of Khalil Gibran , in french

in The Prophet of K. Gibran in English


in English

updated 23 sept 2016, 23h32 (to be continued time to time)

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